- Foundation
- Walls
- Floors
- Skylights
- Framing
- Doorways
- Windows
- Stairways
- Bathrooms
- Fireplaces
- Electrical Service
- Visible Insulation
- Wood Burning Stoves
- Thermostat
- Heating
- Air Conditioning
- Plumbing
- Fixtures
- Drains
- Hot Water Tank
- Kitchen
- Appliances
- Fans
- Cabinets
- Attic
- Topography
- Fencing
- Retaining Walls
- Vegetation
- Sidewalks
- Driveway
- Garage
- Roof Cover
- Siding
- Gutters
- Decks
- Downspouts
- Drainage
- Chimneys
- Antennas
- Masonry
- Doors
- Windows
- Porch/Patio
Did You Know?
Most older homes need updated to 100 amps in electrical services?
Galvanized steel plumbing will cause decreased water line pressure due to corrosion?
Hot water tanks last 8-12 years?
Furnaces last 25-50 years?
Shingled roofs last 20-35 years?
Improper grading can cause leaks in basements?
Minor stress cracks caused by settling are common?
Copper plumbing should last the life of your home?